Friday, February 24, 2012

Effects of marijuana on blood pressure and heart

Marijuana despite act directly on blood vessels causing relaxation of the same and, consequently, low blood pressure, also acts by increasing the release of adrenaline, increasing the heart rate and the volume of blood pumped by the heart each beat, actions that contribute to high blood pressure. The higher the dose, the greater the vasodilation effect. In low doses is the pressure rising trend. In high doses can occur even hypotension. The problem is that this vasodilator marijuana effect tends to get less evident with chronic use, causing the effects that increase the pressure to be more effective in the long term. The release of adrenaline, increased heart rate and vasodilation increases the demand of oxygen by the heart and can lead to ischemic events in people with heart disease. These patients may have its frame aggravated by marijuana and the risk of heart attack is 5 x greater in the first 60 minutes after consumption. The consumption of marijuana can also trigger cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation.

Marijuana Effects

Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior :

Research has shown that students critical skills related to attention, memory and learning impaired among people who abuse marijuana or weed, even after cessation of treatment at least 24 hours.The researchers compared approximately 65 heavy users who had smoked weed or marijuana a median of 29 days in the last 1 month and 64 "users" of light, who smoked an average of one day in the last 1 month. After a period of 19-24 hours, abstaining from marijuana and other illicit drugs and alcohol in combination with the monitor, the University completed a series of standard tests measuring aspects of attention, memory and learning.Compared with light users, heavy marijuana users made ​​more errors and had more difficulty in maintaining attention to the focus of the demands of changes in the environment and logging, processing, and use of tiedot. Tulokset suggest that the greater impairment among power users is likely due to changes in brain activity produced by marijuana. 

Longitudinal research on marijuana use among adolescents pre-university indicates that those who used it, had a lower performance than non-users had more acceptance of deviant behavior, criminal behavior and rebellion more aggressive, more, worse relationships with parents and friends touch with criminals and drug users.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Effects of marijuana on the respiratory system

Marijuana Effects
Another fact is little known that marijuana smoke has 4x more tar and 50% more carcinogens than cigarettes, in addition to being smoked without a filter and be more downed, causing a greater inhalation of irritating particles into the airways and lungs. The consumption of three marijuana cigarettes seems equate to the 20 cigarettes common. The big difference is that most people use marijuana in smaller quantities and normally abandons the habit with age.

People who smoke more than 3 marijuana cigarettes per day tend to have breathing problems similar to smokers, including coughing, phlegm and reduced capacity for exercise. The chronic use of cannabis is related to an increased risk of COPD (emphysema/chronic bronchitis).

Marijuana in pregnancy

Due to false belief of the harmlessness of weeds, this is the most widely used illicit drug during pregnancy.So far there is no evidence that marijuana use increase the risk of bad-formations, spontaneous abortions, miscarriages or premature births. However, in pregnant women who smoke more than 6 marijuana cigarettes per week, the children present, from 2 years of age, less and less ability to fitness verbal memory than other children. These children also have a higher risk of hyperactivity and depression. There are also works that show an increased risk of leukaemia in children whose mothers smoked cigarettes and marijuana during pregnancy.