Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cannabis as Medicine

The drug hemp has so many applications in medicine, most have already heard rumours somewhere. What is the situation but really like? Hemp is actually a miracle cure for everything? Or are just propaganda tales of
legalization proponents?

The first written information on the medical use of cannabis probably go back to a roughly 4,700 year-old Chinese textbook on botany and medicine. From 16 Century cannabis was incorporated into the herbals. Cannabis was introduced for the first crusade in the folk medicine and figured in many medicines monastery. Applications were rheumatic and bronchial disorders, cannabis was also generally prescribed as a substitute for opium. In the 19th Century it was also used for migraine, neuralgia, epilepsy-like seizures, insomnia, and more. Marijuana was, until it was in 1898, competes with aspirin and eventually replaced as a remedy by a wide range of new, synthetic drugs, in America the most commonly used painkillers. Between 1842 and 1900, cannabis preparations made there half the drugs sold out (Herer 1993). Dosage difficulties paradoxical effects and the development of synthetic drugs took the prescriptions in the 20th Century onwards, until about the mid-20th cannabis Century was almost completely banned worldwide. Today, the medical use of cannabis in many countries (even some U.S. states) allowed again. In Austria, however, it is still virtually impossible to get hold of legal cannabis as medicine!

The truth is, as always in the middle. Cannabis is not a panacea, of course, but today there are many applications where cannabis is an effective and low side effects medicine. The biggest advantage of cannabis as a medicine is its unusual security. The ratio of lethal to effective dose is estimated based on animal data on oral intake 20,000 to 1, and at least 1000 to 1 There is not a reliable indicator of person's death by marijuana use. Cannabis has damaging the advantage to disturb any physiological functions or organs, when taken in therapeutic doses. "


Anorexia and Cachexia
AIDS patients lose due to lack of appetite and malaise often greatly in a short period of weight. Patients report that after taking cannabis for the first time properly again feel appetite. An appetizing effect in AIDS and cancer is observed with daily doses of 5 mg THC. The dose may be increased as needed up to 20 milligrams daily. In a study with anorexics THC brought no success. Has recently been a positive influence on the weight of patients with Alzheimer's disease, the refusing food, reported (Volicer 1997). Surprisingly, it took under THC compared to placebo as well as disturbed behavior.

There are only a few studies. THC was effective in an oral dose of 15 or 20 mg effective as well for pain in cancer patients. There were, however, in some of the patients do not tolerate side effects. Cannabis products may seem to the effects of opiates potentiate (Welch 1992), so that a combined administration could prove for severe pain as useful because the effect of potent but problematic opiate massively reinforced, so that by these means smaller doses can be used . 
Other indications are migraine and other headache types , degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, phantom pain, all pain disorders, in which a relaxation of smooth or striated muscle has a beneficial effect, as painful spasms, painful menstruation, ulcerative colitis, etc

Cannabis has a strong bronchodilator effect. The effects of a marijuana cigarette or oral 15 mg THC correspond in bronchodilatory effect as the clinical doses of common asthma drugs such as salbutamol. After inhalation of the effect lasts about two hours. Instead of smoking cannabis would specifically for this application, evaporation and inhalation recommend using a vaporizer.

Repeats a soaring of THC or cannabis in reactive depression has been observed in the context of serious disease. After patient reports hemp in modern folk medicine, often used with the connivance of the doctors, even with endogenous depression

Crohn's disease
In Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammation of the bowel whose cause is still largely unexplained. The inflammation localized mainly in the small and large intestines and affect all intestinal wall layers. In 20-40% of cases, by chronic inflammation to fistula formation. These are channels that lead from the intestinal wall of other organs or through the abdominal wall to the outside. Crohn's disease is not curable.

Local administration of THC reduces intraocular pressure in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients with no side effects on blood pressure and mood. The mechanism of action is not known. The effect lasts for 4 to 6 hours.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weeds Effect On The Mental State

This is the main reason why most people use weed. The "high" contains a lot of feelings and emotions. Marijuana has been shown that not only a mind-altering effects, but also for those who want to change the mood. The experience of some users has also limited to the spiritual. There is concern that in many districts in this state, smoking pot can be a danger to itself and to others and should seek rehab for marijuana.

Hormonal Effects of Smoking Weed

Most studies suggest a link between long-term use and the body's production of certain hormones. According to the website of Brown University, overuse can lead to erection problems and weed lower sperm count. Women's monthly cycles may also be affected by marijuana use. It should be noted that marijuana use has not been shown to cause complete infertility.

Marijuana Effects

What are the Effects of Weed on Children?

Because children's bodies and brains still developing, they are most vulnerable to influence on the use of substances such as marijuana. These articles are only for understanding what kind of impact that weeds are dedicated to them.

* Physical effects : Marijuana impairs the lungs and cells, especially white blood cells and spermatozoa. Accelerates the pulse. Lowers the defenses. It damages the throat (pharyngitis, cough). A joint just leaves more tar in the lungs that several cigarettes among other reasons because it is smoked without a filter (bronchitis, asthma).

* Psychic Marijuana Effects : Marijuana distorts the perception spoiling the sensitivity, decreased memory and will make it difficult to think, learn and make decisions, produces anxiety and aggression altering the psychic equilibrium. Makes you lose interest and motivation for the normal things (life, health ...) to focus attention on the drug and its rituals. Marijuana creates psychological dependence while decreasing freedom affected think the opposite is true. Cause brain damage. Disorder increases the personal and physical appearance deteriorates.

* Social Effects : Marijuana causes family troubles, job instability, loss of professional skills, criminal acts, the spread of drug addiction isolation groups. Marijuana is the first step to harder drugs (often enough that each group begins).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Effects of marijuana on blood pressure and heart

Marijuana despite act directly on blood vessels causing relaxation of the same and, consequently, low blood pressure, also acts by increasing the release of adrenaline, increasing the heart rate and the volume of blood pumped by the heart each beat, actions that contribute to high blood pressure. The higher the dose, the greater the vasodilation effect. In low doses is the pressure rising trend. In high doses can occur even hypotension. The problem is that this vasodilator marijuana effect tends to get less evident with chronic use, causing the effects that increase the pressure to be more effective in the long term. The release of adrenaline, increased heart rate and vasodilation increases the demand of oxygen by the heart and can lead to ischemic events in people with heart disease. These patients may have its frame aggravated by marijuana and the risk of heart attack is 5 x greater in the first 60 minutes after consumption. The consumption of marijuana can also trigger cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation.

Marijuana Effects

Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior :

Research has shown that students critical skills related to attention, memory and learning impaired among people who abuse marijuana or weed, even after cessation of treatment at least 24 hours.The researchers compared approximately 65 heavy users who had smoked weed or marijuana a median of 29 days in the last 1 month and 64 "users" of light, who smoked an average of one day in the last 1 month. After a period of 19-24 hours, abstaining from marijuana and other illicit drugs and alcohol in combination with the monitor, the University completed a series of standard tests measuring aspects of attention, memory and learning.Compared with light users, heavy marijuana users made ​​more errors and had more difficulty in maintaining attention to the focus of the demands of changes in the environment and logging, processing, and use of tiedot. Tulokset suggest that the greater impairment among power users is likely due to changes in brain activity produced by marijuana. 

Longitudinal research on marijuana use among adolescents pre-university indicates that those who used it, had a lower performance than non-users had more acceptance of deviant behavior, criminal behavior and rebellion more aggressive, more, worse relationships with parents and friends touch with criminals and drug users.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Effects of marijuana on the respiratory system

Marijuana Effects
Another fact is little known that marijuana smoke has 4x more tar and 50% more carcinogens than cigarettes, in addition to being smoked without a filter and be more downed, causing a greater inhalation of irritating particles into the airways and lungs. The consumption of three marijuana cigarettes seems equate to the 20 cigarettes common. The big difference is that most people use marijuana in smaller quantities and normally abandons the habit with age.

People who smoke more than 3 marijuana cigarettes per day tend to have breathing problems similar to smokers, including coughing, phlegm and reduced capacity for exercise. The chronic use of cannabis is related to an increased risk of COPD (emphysema/chronic bronchitis).

Marijuana in pregnancy

Due to false belief of the harmlessness of weeds, this is the most widely used illicit drug during pregnancy.So far there is no evidence that marijuana use increase the risk of bad-formations, spontaneous abortions, miscarriages or premature births. However, in pregnant women who smoke more than 6 marijuana cigarettes per week, the children present, from 2 years of age, less and less ability to fitness verbal memory than other children. These children also have a higher risk of hyperactivity and depression. There are also works that show an increased risk of leukaemia in children whose mothers smoked cigarettes and marijuana during pregnancy.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Marijuana Affect the Brain

Scientists have learned how THC acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When anyone smokes weeds, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which bring the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. THC is rapidly absorbed through the lungs, reaching the brain within minutes.The peak of euphoria usually happens within 10 to 30 minutes and intoxication can last for up to 4 hours.

THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, on nerve cells and influences the activity of those cells.Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors (Cannabinoids are a group of terpenophenolic compounds present in Cannabis); others have few or none. The interaction of THC with the brain can cause feelings relaxing and feeling of lightness influence pleasure, memory, thinking, feels good,concentrating and time perception, and coordinated movement.These receptors have effects on some physical and mental activities and short-term memory, coordination, learning and problem solving.

The short-term effects of marijuana can include problems with learning and memory; distorted perception; problem solving and difficulty in thinking ; loss of coordination; and also increased heart rate.Research has shown that, in continuing users, weeds negative impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug .As a result, anyone who smokes marijuana every day may be behaving at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time.

Scientists findings for long-time weed use shows some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-time abuse of other major drugs.A similar challenge arises in studies of the marijuana effects of chronic marijuana use on brain function. This uncertainty may stem from confounding factors such as other drug use, residual drug effects, or withdrawal symptoms in long-time chronic users.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How does marijuana ( Weed ) affect the lungs?

Scientists believe that marijuana can be harmful to the lungs because users inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and keep it in their lungs as long as possible. Therefore, the smoke is in direct contact with lung tissues for long time, which Cause inflammation in the lungs and effects the working process of lungs.And growth of cells are uncontrolled. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause cancer and emphysema. Many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes, and the combined effects of smoking these two substances ( cigarettes and marijuana ) creates an increased health risk.


Marijuana smoke can contains more cancer-causing agents than tobacco smoke or anything. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called Metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies shows that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years.